Smart Gasketeers.
The year 2024 is a special milestone in our company history, as we celebrate three remarkable anniversaries: 100 years in Annaberg, 40 years in Essen and 30 years side by side. These jubilees are not just numbers, but experiences, stories and encounters that are deeply rooted in who we are.
IDT is not merely facts and figures-driven business. IDT is about people. People, who listen and really understand. People who are in tune with the market, analyze and have a notable impact. People who anticipate challenges and developments. People who channel their expertise and turn it into creative solutions with efficiency. People for whom honesty, respect and reliability are fundamental.
For 100 + 40 years.
Those who know us describe us as expert, reliable, experienced, innovative and congenial.
Simply Smart Gasketeers!
2024 will be a year full of surprises for us! We not only want to celebrate our successes, but also show what inspires us, drives us and makes us strong. Curious? We look forward to diving into this year together with you, shaping a future based on trust, collaboration, and innovation.
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