Visiting our website, you know: gaskets are a crucial component in a complex system. They ensure that liquids, gases, fumes, or hazardous substances stay put. That's responsible action. It not only guarantees smooth running plants but is also key for the safety of people and planet.
At IDT developing and making sealing solutions and gaskets is our passion. Advancing the future our purpose. For 100 + 40 years. With more than 200 employees at 4 locations in Germany, branches in Spain and China as well as a trusted network of sealing experts in more than 40 countries.
News #
Touchdown for local sports
Come say hi! At the Oldenburg Pipeline Forum
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
IDT at Pumps & Valves in Dortmund
Smart Gasketeers. For 100 + 40 years.
Looking back with an eye to the future.
Technologies that move
Our theme for 2025: Bullish on Business.
Connections that last
Technology, environment and the future of PFAS
A future without PFAS?
TAR Academy and assembly training for an efficient turnaround.
100 + 40 years of IDT!
Personal encounters that connect
Climate strategy turns SMEs into sustainable, climate-neutral enterprises [SCE]
Vocational training at IDT with team spirit and passion
Turnaround with a 360° perspective
What do Flangeguards, Fingersavers and Line Blanks have in common
Milestones & Key Moments
Smart Gasketeers in Tarragon
What’s the secret to powerful connections?
Smart Gasketeers.
Hanover, Bergamo, Frankfurt.
PFAS: Where a step forward shouldn't be a step backwards.
Advancing hydrogen
Pumps & Valves in Dortmund
TAR2024 in Potsdam: Where Quality Meets Reliability
Strengthening of presence in southern Germany
Hydrogen makes the world go round
Opportunities to connect: Trade fairs & events
IDT opens subsidiary in Spain
High performance plastics and the PFAS restriction process
Close-Up! A conversation with David Gäbelein [QAM]
IDT TAR-Academy, Motorworld 2023
At IDT environmental action speaks louder than words
IDT wins Valve Star Award
Valve World Expo
Jetzt anmelden! Technische Dichtheit in der Praxis
Electrostatic Discharge
Achema 2022 - Thank you!
Optimale Sicherheit: Lamellendichtungen für dreifach-exzentrische Absperrklappen.
Mica – the hidden champion for high-temperature applications
LE-Safe: Our expert knowledge for your benefit!
With precision: PFA composite components for critical applications
Messen 2021/22: Gemeinsam durchstarten!
Simone Wilson becomes Chairwoman of the European Sealing Association.
360° Solutions - Wir unterstützen Sie in alle Richtungen
Verbessertes Flanschmanagement mit IDT-QS.Pilot
IDT Kennwertdatenbank