Kammprofildichtung, Glimmerauflage, Profil KD01-KD10-KD20-KD30, WS 1.4541/Glimmer (FPHP 5-1), Dichtungsdicke 5.2 mm, Rev. 01

Type of gasket: Kammprofile gasket
Gasket manufacturer: IDT Industrie- und Dichtungstechnik GmbH
Gasket label: Grooved gasket, mica layer, Profile KD01-KD10-KD20-KD30, WS 1.4541/mica (FPHP 5-1), thickness 5.2 mm, Rev. 01
maximum temperature: 400 °C
maximum pressure: 16 bar


Gasket thickness under load eG

Gasket thickness eG / mm
Gasket stress / MPa 20°C 200°C 400°C
0 5.19 5.125 5.19
1 5.078 4.991 5.1
20 4.703 4.452 4.608
30 4.616 4.426 4.592
40 4.559 4.405 4.561
50 4.527 4.391 4.534
60 4.5 4.378 4.516
80 4.47 4.367 4.493
100 4.457 4.361 4.483
120 4.443 4.354 4.473
140 4.426 4.345 4.463
160 4.415 4.336 4.453
180 4.405 4.324 4.438
200 4.397 4.31 4.415
220 4.39 4.286 4.384
240 4.381 4.247 4.349
260 4.372 4.206 4.314
280 4.358 4.17 4.28
300 4.336 4.136 4.249
320 4.316 4.102 4.213
340 4.291 4.069 4.184
360 4.264 4.036 4.149
380 4.241 3.999 4.12
400 4.211 3.961 4.085
420 4.185 3.925 4.055
440 4.185 4.023
460 3.857 3.988
480 3.82 3.954
500 4.079 3.92

Gasket deformation under load ΔeG

Gasket deformation ΔeG / mm
Gasket stress / MPa 20°C 200°C 400°C
0 0.000 0.000 0.000
1 0.112 0.134 0.090
20 0.487 0.673 0.582
30 0.574 0.699 0.598
40 0.631 0.720 0.629
50 0.663 0.734 0.656
60 0.690 0.747 0.674
80 0.720 0.758 0.697
100 0.733 0.764 0.707
120 0.747 0.771 0.717
140 0.764 0.780 0.727
160 0.775 0.789 0.737
180 0.785 0.801 0.752
200 0.793 0.815 0.775
220 0.800 0.839 0.806
240 0.809 0.878 0.841
260 0.818 0.919 0.876
280 0.832 0.955 0.910
300 0.854 0.989 0.941
320 0.874 1.023 0.977
340 0.899 1.056 1.006
360 0.926 1.089 1.041
380 0.949 1.126 1.070
400 0.979 1.164 1.105
420 1.005 1.200 1.135
440 1.005 1.167
460 1.268 1.202
480 1.305 1.236
500 1.111 1.270

Maximum allowable gasket stress QSmax

Temperature / °C QSmax / MPa
20 633
200 633
400 633

Modulus of elasticity EG

Modulus of elasticity EG / MPa
Gasket stress / MPa 20°C 200°C 400°C
20 3940 9670 17076
30 8046 41617 27474
40 8136 20164 30490
50 18060 20512 25848
60 11961 15868 21934
80 20995 30858 32815
100 40388 59207 49563
120 30995 70307 48505
140 23111 46504 47689
160 26635 43132 56026
180 33495 43459 49551
200 44278 83065 45501
220 54679 52689 37467
240 79759 59117 53309
260 202093 95684 43279
280 146841 60827 44329
300 82022 70413 56571
320 69012 78076 48251
340 113138 109110 70450
360 121474 125570 65223
380 272164 108401 64509
400 128926 121873 72964
420 112448 114559 81618
440 245973 83899
460 252940 107886
480 258386 95715
500 226505 126983

Creep/relaxation factor PQR

Creep/relaxation factor PQR
Gasket stress / MPa 20°C 200°C 400°C
60 0.82 0.47 0.53
150 0.96 0.79 0.77
633 0.99 0.92 0.88

Minimum required gasket stress in assembly Qmin(L)

Minimum required gasket stress Qmin(L) / MPa
Leakage rate / mg/m/s 10 bar
10⁰ 74
10⁻¹ 177

Minimum required gasket stress in service QSmin(L) depending on initial gasket stress QA

Minimum required gasket stress at internal pressure 10 bar

Minimum required gasket stress at internal pressure 16 bar

Friction coefficient µG

The friction coefficient between gasket and flange surface was determined for different types of gasket materials in an ESA research project.

The gasket Grooved gasket, mica layer, Profile KD01-KD10-KD20-KD30, WS 1.4541/mica (FPHP 5-1), thickness 5.2 mm, Rev. 01 can be assigned to the categorie 0 : "Custom". Therefore, the following friction coefficients can be considered:

Temperature / °C Friction coefficient
0 °C 0