Pure graphite foil rings

  • Article Number: 1380
  • Material: 1380
  • Profile: PR
  • Pure graphite foil rings are the optimal solution for very high operational reliability and a wide range of applications
  • Compared to traditional stuffing box packings, pressed foil rings have a homogeneous structure and a very high cross-sectional density
  • The ring set height can be reduced by inserting a metal base ring.
Article Number
  • resistant against most media, will not be coated by metal and salt melting
  • asbestors-free, no health hazard
  • age resistant and not susceptible to get brittle as no binders and fillers
  • available in high purity
  • long term stability for compression and elastic recovery properties over a wide temperature range
  • low friction values
  • very good temperature change resistance
  • high pressure resistance


Temperatur (min) -269 °C
Temperatur (max) 550 °C
Density approx. (g/cm³) 1.2 - 1.8 g/cm³
Degree of purity ≥ 98 %
Ash content ≤ 2 %
Sulfur content < 300 ppm
Antioxidant yes
Material structure Graphitfolie, gepr.
Waterproofing none
Lubricant nein
Steam 600 °C

Fields of application

Valves (Vg) 2 m/s
Valves (p) 300 bar


abrasive and sticky media nicht geeignet
Water, Process water, Lake water geeignet
Hot water, boiler dining water geeignet
Vapors, acid gases, nitrogen geeignet
Oxygen geeignet
Mineralöle, tierische Fette geeignet
Heat carrier oils, synthetic oils geeignet
Alcalia diluted, salt solutions geeignet
Alcalia concentrated geeignet
Inorganic acids diluted, salt solutions geeignet
Inorganic acids concentrated bedingt geeignet
Solvents, other organic compounds bedingt geeignet
Lacques, colors (silicone -free) bedingt geeignet

Approvals and test reports

Gas (DIN 3535-6)
EG 1935/2004

Forms of delivery

compression-moulded packing ring or packing set

Additional information

Einbau- und Betriebshinweise (Gilt für 1380/1390)
Einbau- und Betriebshinweise (Gilt für 1380/1390)


Data Sheet
EN | Last Changed 2023-12-01

General information: All information given in this Technical Information sheet represents our current level of knowledge and serves as information on our products and their respective scopes. It is not meant to ensure any particular properties of any product or the suitability of any product for any specific application, neither does it create any liability on our part.

Last Changed 2023-12-01 13:56:49

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